Fat Fast day 61 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction

Fat Fast day 61 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction Its day 61, I’m excited about it being 24 F outside. That’s like jacket weather, the snow is all but melted. I’m ready to bust out the shorts and flip flops. Anybody wanna come out and double dutch with me in the driveway? I have sugar free koolaid (No, I haven’t kicked my koolaid habit yet.) The sky is so beautiful and clear, the sun is bright, its very misleading! Total false advertising, the sun and sky is tricky a trickster:-) The fat fast continues, my friends have been asking more about it. We mainly have to get up and move a bit more and change a few things. Have fun wiggling everywhere you go. just shake for no reason. If nothing else it’ll crack you up and if someone else laughs then you made their day too:-p Its a two for one special!!! We all win:-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teXqc_bE7Qs

Fat Fast day 60 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction

Fat Fast day 60 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction 30 days to go, I’m feeling GREAT! Thank you,everyone including my WordPress friends for your words of wisdom and kindness, I heard every word. The Fat Fast CONTINUES (dun dun dun dun dun dun Wonder woman!!!) What??? You guys don’t hear that theme music? Thank you, everyone at youtube as well for coming and sharing your thoughts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gA1ZgCWayM

Fat Fast day 58 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction

Fat Fast day 58 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction Day 58 brings you dietbet, a website that allows you to bet that you’ll stick to your weight loss aspirations. If you stick to your weight loss the average winner gets $59 and loses 4.9%. Most of us have been in a diet pool at work or with our friends, this is just on a bigger scale. It sounds fun to me or at least entertaining. The link- http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/social-gaming-motivate-users-lose-weight-study-article-1.1621118 Today, find a reason to compliment someone, starting with YOURSELF. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJgnT8GT6AA

Fat Fast day 57 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction

Fat Fast day 57 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction Day 57,discovering hidden symptoms of gluten senstivity that I wasn’t aware of. My chicken skin is a SYMPTOM, I always wondered why no one else in my family had it. I just assumed I was the mailman’s daughter and tried to get mom to confess. Thanks God, for making my mother a sweet, patient woman with a GREAT sense of humor. YOU ARE AWESOME;-) The chicken skin is on my arms and thighs, it looks like a rash or bumps. If you have it, you know. Its called DERMATITIS HERPERIFORMIS. There were other things that kinda surprised me like the intractable dandruff. Can you imagine all this shampoo being sold for dandruff and the cause could be THIS for many cases! Wow, just wow…I’m posting a link but I read a bunch of different articles, I’ve since lost track(my apologies). Here is a link- http://celiacdisease.about.com/od/glutenintolerance/ss/Nine-Signs-You-May-Have-A-Gluten-Allergy.htm

Get up and shake it, to your favorite tunes! Find a reason to laugh out loud and enjoy yourself. Go out of your way to touch someone, don’t go all day without putting your hands on anyone. We all need one another, even if its just to shake hands. Find a reason to hug someone. The fat fast continues, I’m getting closer to the day 90. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUcxB51_DzE

Fat Fast day 56 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction

Fat Fast day 56 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction Day 56 and SHIVERING. Yes, shivering for 10-15 minutes is equal to 60 minutes of moderate exercise according to new research. So of course I had to jump my behind in a cold shower this morning to get my am shiver workout on. Its HARDER than you believe, but not for the reasons you would think. My body would adjust quickly to the temp and I would stop shivering. I was tempering the water to not throw myself into complete shock in the shower and fall out. I turned on my favorite tunes to A. distract myself B. so I would know how long I had been in the shower without staring at the clock/timer. Our bodies are AMAZING that water was freezing and I couldn’t even tell after 10 minutes. When I got out of the shower you are usually cold, I wasn’t my body was like “OH WELL, WHAT ELSE YA GOT? ARE YOU GOING TO ROLL IN THE SNOW TOO??” I seriously feel like WONDER WOMAN or like I have had 3 cups of coffee when actually I haven’t had ANY yet.

You guys gotta try it, don’t just jump in the cold water, start with it cool and progressively make it colder and play some music. I never noticed the drops pelting before but you do when the is COLD! The link- http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-05/cold-shower-may-be-secret-to-fat-burning/5238938 The fat fast CONTINUES!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDd0gevMu-k

Fat Fast day 55 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction (Monday weigh-in)

Fat Fast day 55 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction (Monday weigh-in) Its weighin on day 55, 1 more pound of fat gone= 31!! Yep, the fat fast will continue. I feel wonderful the biggest loser day was pretty easy but I did only do really 1 day. I can’t imagine doing 90, like she did. I’m surprised someone didn’t throw her out of the gym. lol Have a FABULOUS Monday everyone. Today take the stairs every chance you get;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJSGQYAsPjA

Fat Fast day 54 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction

Fat Fast day 54 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction Day 54 I’ve been doing the Biggest Loser 6 hour workout. 90 minutes down, 270 minutes to go. So far its been entertaining. I’m having a blast, while doing my thing. Tomorrow is weigh-in, this fat fast is moving so quick. I wish the time would slow down. lol Are you guys sure we all get 24 hours in a day? I think I’m only getting 12:-p They say, time flies when you’re having FUN, and they aren’t kidding! Joy and blessings to all of you and everyone you touch. Alright lets get off the couch and do THIS:-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPth9dbRA58

Fat Fast day 53 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction

Fat Fast day 53 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction Its day 53 and its a shopping bonanza with my crew. We will be out in FULL force harassing the general public. All male wait staff call in sick they will be flirting. This will give me enough laughter to boost me virus fighting immune system through the roof. No cold virus will be able to take me down after this GIRL POWER shopping pow wow!! I feel great and the fat fast continues. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0B3tikwlMU

Fat Fast day 52 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction

Fat Fast day 52 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction Its a Cheat day on day 52. I just decided. I think I’m going to have something tonight I’m not sure what yet. Regardless, have a fabulous time dancing, hugging, loving and just being aware of how amazing YOU are and the ones you love. YOU ROCK!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pldwhAeZeAY

Fat Fast day 51 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction

Fat Fast day 51 of 90 – How To Kick The Carb Addiction The doctor says I’m good to continue on day 51:-) The blood test are back and I’m fit as a fiddle!!! My labs haven’t really changed much at all. I just knew my cholesterol would be out the roof but NOPE. I’m still feeling WONDERFUL. I hope you are too. If you aren’t then here is a virtual HUG. Lets GO! I was thinking we could play a little game. One person at a time name an activity everyday the first person to name the activity we all have to do it or at least try. Like I name STAIRS so everyone tries to take the stairs everywhere they go for the day. It would be fun and keeps you present in your weight loss. You might even find yourself looking for stairs just to be in on the game 😉 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtmWCv32olY